Cei care au fost vreodata plecati peste hotarele tarii lor, mai ales daca acest lucru s-a intamplat in interes de serviciu, stiu foarte bine cat de greu este sa te acomodezi intr-o tara straina, printre oameni cu alte obiceiuri, cu alta mentalitate, mai ales daca limba tarii gazda iti este necunoscuta. De fapt, pare aproape imposibil sa te poti acomoda si sa iti poti face bine treaba in asemenea conditii. Unii aleg sa isi cumpere manuale si dictionare de pe care sa invete fra pprofesor, altii, mai comunicativi, isi petrec timpul liber printre cetatenii tarii respective, stiut fiind faptul ca doar vorbind inveti foarte usor o limba straina.
Lucram in Italia si nu vedeam picior de roman prin localitatea in care destinul ma adusese. Nu stiam boaba de limba italiana, ei nu intelegeau boaba de limba engleza, iar romana li se parea ceva mult prea dificil de priceput. Nu am gasit nicaieri un loc unde as fi putut invata macar strictul necesar unei bune comunicari legate strict de ceea ce lucram, asa ca m-am vazut nevoita sa imi cumpar diverse carti din care sa invat. E drept ca foarte mult m-a ajutat si faptul ca traiam numai printre italieni si invatam de la ei cuvant cu cuvant, asa cum numai in filmul Tarzan am mai vazut: ei imi spuneau un cuvant, mi-l aratau sau il desenau, iar eu ma straduiam sa nu il uit.
Nu aveam acces la internet decat rar, cand ajungeam in oras si intrat disperata in cate un internet caffe, insa atunci prima mea grija era sa comunic cu familia mea, nicidecum sa invat vreo limba straina. Acum traim alte vremuri, orice om care ajunge intr-o tara civilizata are acces permanent la internet, deci clar poate invata o limba straina mult mai usor decat am facut-o eu. De exemplu, un strain ajuns in Romania poate beneficia rapid de avantajele aduse de romanian language courses,
lucru care cu siguranta ii va usura traiul aici si il va face sa vada cu alti ochi tara, poporul, serviciul sau scoala.Duration: 8 weeks (32 hours), 2 hours / day, twice a week
In the morning: 9:30 - 11:30 and 11:30 - 13:30
In the evening: 16:30 - 18:30 and 18:30 - 20:30
The minimum number of students for each group is 4 with a maximum of 9.
230 euros / module (no registration fee, all taxes included).
Beginner level - every Monday and Wednesday:
1st of September - 22nd of October 2014
27th of October - 17th of December 2014
12th of January - 4th of March 2015
9th of March - 4th of May 2015 (free Monday on Easter holiday: 13th of April 2015)
6th of May - 1st of July 2015 (free Monday on the 1st of June 2015 - Rusalii holiday)
6th of July - 26th of August 2015
2nd of September – 26th of October 2015
28th of October - 21st of December 2015
Intermediate and advanced level - every Tuesday and Thursday:
2nd of September - 23rd of October 2014
28th of October – 18th of December 2014
13th of January - 5th of March 2015
10th of March - 5th of May 2015 (free Tuesday on Easter holiday: 14th of April 2015)
7th of May - 30th of June 2015
7th of July - 27th of August 2015
1st of September – 22nd of October 2015
27th of October - 22nd of December 2015 (free Tuesday on the National Day: 1st of December 2015)
Class course programs are a comprehensive approach to studying Romanian. The goal of the courses is to develop effective communication skills and to improve the students' knowledge of Romanian. The emphasis is on communicative method of teaching and on the four key language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
The classroom activities are focused on real life situations, role-playing, conversation, discussions, vocabulary and grammar exercises. With a maximum of 9 students per class, you are guaranteed to receive all the attention from your teacher. The atmosphere is very relaxed, fun and informal and the students are encouraged to participate in the classes.
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